In Macedonia, which is a country of Agriculture, 18.3% of the active population is engaged in agriculture. Cotton, tobacco, rice and various fruits are among the main agricultural products. In the field of livestock, goats and sheep breeding are the forefront. In Macedonia, where PreaGlobal is active, iron and steel, machinery, chemical products, textiles and metallurgy play an important role in the industrial sector. Especially leather industry is the most important industrial branch. 26.3% of GDP is industry and 62.5% is service sector. The service sector is concentrated in the fields of telecommunications, transportation, banking and trade.
In Macedonia, the country with the lowest corporate tax in Europe, the corporate and income tax was reduced from 15% to 12% in 2007 and 10% in 2008. Reducing taxes and increasing foreign investments, ensuring economic growth and reducing unemployment rates are targeted. The government has aimed especially at attracting foreign investors to the country and focusing on the private sector.