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Global Trade Volume of Mali

Malian, a fund-based economy, is also a major player in cotton and gold exports. Approximately 90% of its exports are made of gold and cotton products. Malian, the third largest producer of gold in Africa, is also very susceptible to fluctuations in international gold prices. Because most of the country’s land is desert, agricultural production is made at the Niger River Delta. 80% of the population working in Mali is engaged in agriculture and fresh water fishing. Among the main agricultural products are cotton, grain, peanuts, rice, sugar cane and various fruits and vegetables. Another branch of the economy is animal husbandry.

Malian Economic Data

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016    2017
Population (million) 16,01 16,48 16,96 17,47 17,99 18,89
Per capita GDP ($) 777,35 777,61 825,57 729,72 780,51 793,84
GDP ($) 12,44 12,81 14 12,75 14,05 15
Balance of Foreign Trade 38,637 134,480 541,135 -315,179 -348,56
Export ($) 3.017,538 3.270,811 3.599,115 2.847,594 2954,89
Import ($) 2.978,901 3.136,331 3.057,980 3.162,773 3303,450
Jobless rate 10,5 10,5 10,5 10,5 10,5 9,7
Inflation Rate (consumer price index, annual change %) 2,8 3,1 2,9 3,3 3,1 1,259

The Economic Situation

Malian, which has developed economically, increased its GDP from 14.2 billion dollars in 2016 to 15.2 billion dollars in 2017. With the stability seen in budget revenues in recent years and the control of public expenditures, budget deficits have also started to be closed. Malian is well-connected to institutions such as the World Bank and the IMF and receives assistance from many international agencies. The World Bank finances many projects in Malian on health, education, urban development, electricity generation. Due to its stable performance in the country, it has been among the best countries to be supported by the World Bank and the IMF.

Traiding Qualities


    Agricultural production is prominent in Malian. Cotton production is one of the three largest countries in Africa and ranks first in the countries of the West African countries. In the south and on the banks of the Niger River and on the border with Ivory, Burkina Faso and Guinea are the most favorable agricultural areas. Also, fishing is done in Niger River. It continues its livestock development with the production of animals such as goats, sheep and cattle.


    Malian industry sector is a sector where mining comes to the fore. The most important mine in the country is gold. Africa’s third largest producer of gold. Phosphate, salt, limestone, uranium, phosphate, kaolin are some of the other extracted mines. Also, there are mines that have been identified but not removed. These include metals such as bauxite, tin, copper, manganese and iron.

    In Malian, which is an efficient country in terms of mining sector, it is the most extracted mine gold. Malian gold production is around 50-60 tons annually. It is thought that there are more unexplored gold deposits than those found today. It provides electricity production with its own resources. 67.8% of electricity production in the country is from petroleum and natural gas plants and 31.2% from hydroelectric plants.


    The banking and tourism sectors are at the forefront in the services sector. The West African Central Bank, along with Malian, works like the Central Bank of 7 West African countries. Malian has its own Central Bank. Meanwhile, 12 commercial banks were established in the country. Apart from the banks, there are 4 financial institutions in Malian.

Agriculture, animal husbandry, mining and aquaculture production is thought to be the future of Malian. The basis of the Malian economy is cotton, gold exports and oil imports. While international gold and cotton prices have a positive impact on the economy, oil prices have a negative impact on the country’s economy.

Among the main targets of the governments in the economy are not tied to the export of cotton and gold, but also to the contribution of the industrial sector to the economy. Thanks to the economic reforms implemented in the country, many public institutions have been privatised and telecommunication, oil mills and cotton enterprises have been privatized.

If you want to improve your business in Mali, which is constantly developing and performing well in development, as shown above, we are ready to offer you consultancy services at PraeGlobal. We are ready to share our knowledge and experience with you. To prevail over the laws of the present country and all economic facilities in the region, we will provide all kinds of support for your company and we will be with you with all consultancy services with our expert staff in the process of establishment of your company.

With PraeGlobal’s active staff, you will feel like you are at home even you are in abroad.


Contact Informations

Immeuble Hamary Dembele Quartier Aci 2000 Hambaley Ancien Aéroport Avenue du Mali Bamako-Mali

+223 20 20 72 92
