As you learn about the stories of companies who have to withdraw from the Uzbekistan market, you will see how effective ‘local’ dynamics are on success or failure.
PraeGlobal was founded as a global company based in Uzbekistan. PraeGlobal offers consulting, design, engineering services, taking into account local dynamics.
Uzbekistan is the most populous country in Central Asia with a population of 31.3 million. The population is Young, the mean age is 24.7. The country is rich in raw materials (copper, zinc, gold, silver, tungsten, lead, and natural gas). In terms of consumption, it is potentially the largest market in the region. It is also the world’s fourth largest cotton producer and second largest exporter after the United States.
3% of Uzbekistan’s land consists of forest and forestry, 87% of desert and other land types. The remaining 10% is made up of areas suitable for agriculture. About 95% of the arable areas can be irrigated. This is the leading country in which irrigated agriculture can be made between the Central Asian republics.