In Afghanistan, where the working population is estimated to be around 15 million and the distribution of labour force by sectors is composed of agriculture (80%), services (10%), and industry sector (10%). PraeGlobal plays an active role in Afghanistan.
Agriculture and animal husbandry play an important role in the economy of Afghanistan. In animal husbandry, especially sheep and goat farming are done. However, modern methods are not used in animal husbandry.
Industrial production is based on furniture, soap, fertilizer, handmade carpets, shoes, oil, copper, coal, natural gas, marble, and small-scale textile enterprises. In a country where literacy is low, it is at a very low rate of 30% and skilled labour shortage is being drawn.
Afghanistan, rich in natural resources, has rich oil, natural gas and coal deposits. It has gold, salt, copper, iron, limestone, marble and clay deposits.